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VMworld 2015: August 30 – September 3 (San Francisco, CA)


VMworld 2015




VMworld 2015 – YouTube Archive




John Furrier


  • John’s Linkedin Profile
  • @furrier

    Dave Vellante


  • Dave’s Linkedin Profile
  • @dvellante

    Stu Miniman


  • Stu Miniman’s LinkedIn Profile
  • @stu

    Brian Gracely


  • Brian’s Linkedin Profile
  • @bgracely

    Jeff Frick



    *Scheduled Guests

    *subject to change without notice

    Yogesh Agrawal
    VP Solutions, Alliances & Tech Marketing, HP Storage


    Interview Overview
    Yogesh Agrawal stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the strategy of HP Storage, including within the system defined design center and the Software Defined element to the design center. He provided insight into the disruption happening within the storage industry.
    This was Yogesh’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Randy Arseneau
    CMO, Infinidat


    Interview Overview
    Randy Arseneau and Brian Carmody stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the growth of Infinidat and what they focus on. They provided insight into how they build on foundational technologies and deliver to a broad customer base.
    Randy stopped by theCUBE at IBM Edge 2013.

    Eric Bassier
    Marketing Director, Quantum


    Interview Overview
    Eric Bassier stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the Quantum focuses on storage for demanding workflows, how they are showcasing virtualization storage solutions and implementing unique real-time tiering. He also provided insight on Quantum’s partnership with Veeam, archiving unstructured data and the workflow approach to storage.
    This was Eric’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Jay Benson
    Manager, IT Architecture, eHealth Saskatchewan


    Interview Overview
    Jay Benson stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the medical data that eHealth Saskatchewan is managing. He provided insight into the drivers and pressures around government funded health care to drive down costs and ensure better quality of care for patients and the technology involved to do this.

    Brian Biles
    CEO/Co-Founder, Datrium


    Interview Overview
    Brian Biles stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about how Datrium is fundamentally different from other storage solutions. He provided insight into the market gap on scalable storage for VM’s.
    This was Brian’s first time stopping by theCUBE.

    Peter Bookman
    Global Strategist, Sphere3D


    Interview Overview
    Peter Bookman stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about focusing on individual workloads and how the team has filled out at Sphere3D. He provided insight into why hyperconverged solutions are really for generalized workloads and the appliances they have for the education industry.

    Brian Carmody
    CTO, Infinidat


    Interview Overview
    Randy Arseneau and Brian Carmody stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the growth of Infinidat and what they focus on. They provided insight into how they build on foundational technologies and deliver to a broad customer base.
    This was Brian’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Sheryl Chamberlain
    Group VP, Global Partner Executive, Capgemini


    Interview Overview
    Sheryl Chamberlain and Paul Strong stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about Vm Women’s Leadership Program, the state of the conversation about woman leadership and the diversity project. They provided insight into the cultural shift, migration between careers and what they would change in elementary schools.

    Patrick Chanezon
    Member of Technical Staff, Docker


    Interview Overview
    Patrick Chanezon stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman and Brian Gracely about the recent announcements about Docker, including how images and containers will be created within Docker. He provided insight into where Docker sits within VMware.

    Sakthi Chandra
    Director of Solutions Marketing, EMC XtremIO


    Interview Overview
    Sakthi Chandra and Pablo Roesch stopped by theCUBe and chatted with Dave Vellante about the performance labs that allow conference attendees use their products. They provided insight into the infrastructure to run the labs and what EMC XtremIO is working on next.

    Jerry Chen
    Partner, Greylock


    Interview Overview
    Jerry Chen stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about how Docker is pioneering a new way to think about application deployment, what cloud native really means and why hybrid cloud is what you want the cloud to be. He also provided insight into his involvement in security, enterprise app and Cloudera, investment opportunities within the VMware ecosystem and decreasing the cost of building a data center cloud at scale.
    Jerry previously visited theCUBE at DockerCon 2015, AWS Re:Invent 2013, VMworld 2014 with Pete Sonsini, and AWS Re:Invent 2014.

    Jay Chitnis
    Director of Mobility & End User Solutions, EMC


    Interview Overview
    Jay Chitnis stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about end user computing and deploying consistently. He provided insight into what EMC’s stack looks like and how they have optimized it around performance and taken a holistic view.
    This was Jay’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Tom Cook
    CEO, Permabit


    Interview Overview
    Tom Cook stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about what Permabit is currently working on and the many leaders they are working with. He provided insight into how Flash has become significant and why products that focus on data reduction are winning in the market place.
    Tom last stopped by theCUBE at IBM InterConnect 2015, IBM Edge 2015, VMworld 2014, IBM Edge 2014,

    Terry Cunningham
    CEO, Springpath


    Interview Overview
    Terry Cunningham stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman and Brian Gracely about what SpringPath does and how it’s solving storage problems. He provided insight into why software is changing how your approach storage and the first movers.
    This was Terry’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Peter Cutts
    Vice President, EMC Cloud Solutions


    Interview Overview
    Peter Cutts stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about how many solutions are tying in with EMC Cloud Solutions and why they have invested more in the Federation. He provided insight into the many times they see customers saving thousands of dollars by working with the solutions within the Federation and fit the security models for customers to execute on quickly.
    Peter has stopped by theCUBE before at VMworld 2014 and EMC World 2014.

    David Davis
    Co-Founder, ActualTech Media


    Interview Overview
    David Davis and Scott Lowe stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about Scott’s new book The Gorilla Guide, what ActualTech Media is doing within the market and how they are educating people about what they see in the industry. They provided insight into how people have changed roles within companies and conversations about hyperconverged solutions.
    This was David’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Kevin Deierling
    VP of Marketing, Mellanox



    Dom Delfino
    SVP, WW Systems Engineers, VMware NSBU


    Dom has stopped by theCUBE before at VMworld 2012 and EMCworld 2012.

    Chris Drake
    CEO, FireHost


    This will be Chris’ first time visiting theCUBE.

    Bob Dussault
    Information Security Officer, Hallmark Business Connection


    This was Bob’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Carl Eschenbach
    President and COO, VMware


    Carl has stopped by theCUBE before at VMworld 2014 and VMworld 2013.

    Charles Fan
    SVP/GM Storage and Availability, VMware


    Interview Overview: Charles Fan and Ed Walsh
    Charles Fan and Ed Walsh stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the keynote addresses, the relationship between cataloging and developing and simplyfying the work flows. They provided insight into the state of automated management, how Catalogic fits into VMware’s storage strategy and the amount of data about data.
    This was Charles’ first time visiting theCUBE.

    Dustin Fennell
    Former Vice President & CIO, Mission Community Hospital


    Interview Overview
    Dustin Fennell and George Teixeira stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the CIO perspective, the evolution of architecture and why Dustin moved to DataCore. They provided insight into the current trends in hyperconvergence, where VMware VSAN stands and how having fewer resources changes an environment.
    This was Dustin’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    David Flynn
    CTO, Primary Data



    Pat Gelsinger
    CEO, VMware


    Interview Overview
    Pat Gelsinger stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Dave Vellante about the visionary nature of his keynote address, why hybrid cloud is a culmination of capabilities, how Moore’s Law applies to the cloud and steps to creating the next phase of innovation. He provided insight into why they are committed to a heterogeneous management strategy, VMware’s role in powering consumer technologies and bringing together development and operations.
    Pat has stopped by theCUBE before, including most recently at EMC World 2015, and also VMworld 2014, EMC World 2014, VMworld 2013, VMworld 2012, EMC World 2012, and VMworld 2011.

    Bina Hallman
    Vice President, IBM Storage and Software Defined Systems


    This was Bina’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Steve Herrod
    Managing Director, General Catalyst


    Steve has stopped by theCUBE before at VMworld 2014 and VMworld 2011.

    Eric Herzog
    VP Marketing – Storage & Software Defined Infrastructure, IBM


    Interview Overview
    Eric Herzog stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about IBM’s partnership with Cisco, whether the SAN volume controller was gold standard and how TSM storage capability helped you go to market. He provided insight into talk about the cloud, latency storage and capacity storage and how IBM has all the pieces.
    Interview Overview: Eric Herzog and Mike Kuhn
    Eric Herzog and Mike Kuhn stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about expanding the Flash porfolio and integrating by design, charging a fair price for Flash and delivering hybrid and all-Flash solutions. They provided insight on the enterprise-ready software stack, how IBM is all about the right tool for the job and the relationship with Catalogic.
    Eric has stopped by theCUBE numerous times, including most recently at IBM Edge 2015 and IBM InterConnect 2015 and also at Flash Memory Summit 2014, Oracle Open World 2014, VMworld 2014, Oracle Open World 2013, and VMworld 2012.

    Bask Iyer
    SVP and CIO, VMware


    This was Bask’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Christos Karamanolis
    CTO and Principal Engineer, VMware Storage


    This will be Christos’ first time visiting theCUBE.

    Shashi Kiran
    Senior Director and Head of WW Marketing for Data Center & Cloud, Cisco



    Michael Kuhn
    Vice President and Business Line Executive, IBM


    Interview Overview: Mike Kuhn and Eric Herzog
    Mike Kuhn and Eric Herzog stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about expanding the Flash porfolio and integrating by design, charging a fair price for Flash and delivering hybrid and all-Flash solutions. They provided insight on the enterprise-ready software stack, how IBM is all about the right tool for the job and the relationship with Catalogic.
    Mike last visited theCUBE at IBM Edge 2014.

    Mark Lewis
    CEO, Formation Data


    Mark last stopped by theCUBE at IBM Edge 2015 with Jeanine Graham-Bellamy/a>, AWS Re:Invent 2014, Flash Memory Summit, and IBM Edge 2013.

    Ping Li
    General Partner, Accel Partners



    Paula Long
    Co-Founder & CEO, DataGravity



    Scott Lowe
    Co-Founder, ActualTech Media


    Interview Overview
    Scott Lowe and David Davis stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about Scott’s new book The Gorilla Guide, what ActualTech Media is doing within the market and how they are educating people about what they see in the industry. They provided insight into how people have changed roles within companies and conversations about hyperconverged solutions.

    Robin Matlock
    CMO, VMware


    Robin has stopped by theCUBE before, including most recently at EMC World 2015, OTG – VMware Influencer Event 2015 and VMworld 2014.

    Tom Matson
    Director, Software Solution Sales


    Interview Overview
    Tom Matson and Jerry Melnick stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about how SIOS applies to big data analytics to solve problems, the SanDisk transformation and how they are working with SIOS. They provided insight into the SIOS demonstrations at VMworld, their relationship with VMware and how roles are overlapping with DevOps.

    Jim Mchugh
    VP Marketing UCS, Cisco



    Jerry Melnick


    Interview Overview
    Jerry Melnick and Tom Matson stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about how SIOS applies to big data analytics to solve problems, the SanDisk transformation and how they are working with SIOS. They provided insight into the SIOS demonstrations at VMworld, their relationship with VMware and how roles are overlapping with DevOps.
    Jerry stopped by for a couple of CUBEconversations last month with Dave Vellante Who Is SIOS? and SIOS IQ Announcement.

    Bob Muglia
    CEO, Snowflake Computing



    Vish Mulchand
    Sr Director of Product Marketing & Management, HP Storage


    Vish has stopped by theCUBE many times previously, including at HP Discover 2015 with Bruce Trevarthen, HP Discover Barcelona 2014 with Lee Pedlow, HP Discover Barcelona 2013 with Pete Robinson, and VMworld 2014.

    Nelson Nahum
    CEO, Zadara Storage


    This was Nelson’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Ron Nash
    CEO, Pivot3



    Craig Nunes
    VP of Marketing, HP Storage


    Craig has stopped by theCUBE numerous time, including at HP Discover 2015 with Mike Abram, HP Discover Barcelona 2014, HP Discover Barcelona 2013, VMworld 2012 and SNW 2011.

    Dheeraj Pandey
    CEO, Nutanix


    Interview Overview
    Dheeraj Pandey stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Dave Vellante about how Nutanix is bringing the customer experience into the enterprise, how customers are willing to take risks and ways to make storage and virtualization invisible. He provided insight on ways the end user drives consumption, how startups can be successful in the enterprise and how he would lead VMware.
    Dheeraj has stopped by theCUBE numerous times, including at VMworld 2014, VMworld 2013, VMworld 2012, and Oracle Open World 2012.

    Ajay Patel
    SVP, Product Development, VMware Cloud Services


    This was Ajay’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Rich Petersen
    Director of Software Marketing, SanDisk


    Rich previously stopped by theCUBE at Oracle Open World 2012.

    Sanjay Poonen
    EVP and GM, End-User Computing, VMware


    Interview Overview
    Sanjay Poonen stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Dave Vellante about whether the key to success includes taking the complexities away and if VMware leads the mobile story. He provided insight into how they are handling the growth, what’s driving growth, the consumerization of business mobility and the enterprises that are not cloud native.
    Sanjay has stopped by theCUBE numerous times, including at VMworld 2014, VMworld 2013, and SAP Sapphire 2011.

    Ramesh Prabagaran
    VP of Products and Partnerships, Viptela


    This was Ramesh’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Pablo Roesch
    Director of Technical Marketing, VMware


    Interview Overview
    Pablo Roesch and Sakthi Chandra stopped by theCUBe and chatted with Dave Vellante about the performance labs that allow conference attendees use their products. They provided insight into the infrastructure to run the labs and what EMC XtremIO is working on next.

    Rodney Rogers
    Founder/CEO, Virtustream


    Interview Overview
    Rodney Rogers stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about what happened with the Virtustream acquisition, how they were able to make the transition from enterprise to cloud and how customers are looking at a multi-cloud environment. He also provided insight into how to rationalize one cloud, the developer angle and what’s coming next for Virtustream.
    This was Rodney’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Benny Schnaider
    Co-Founder, Chairman and President, Ravello


    This was Benny’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Greg Smith
    Sr Director, Product and Technical Marketing, Nutanix


    This was Greg’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Pete Sonsini
    General Partner, NEA



    Jonathan Stinson
    System Administrator, Hendrick Medical



    Rob Strechay
    Director of Product Marketing & Management, HP Storage


    Rob last stopped by theCUBE at HP Discover Barcelona 2014.

    Paul Strong
    CTO Global Field, VMware


    Interview Overview
    Paul Strong and Sheryl Chamberlain stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about Vm Women’s Leadership Program, the state of the conversation about woman leadership and the diversity project. They provided insight into the cultural shift, migration between careers and what they would change in elementary schools.
    This was Paul’s first time visiting theCUBE!

    George Teixeira
    President & CEO, DataCore Software


    Interview Overview
    George Teixeira and Dustin Fennell stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the CIO perspective, the evolution of architecture and why Dustin moved to DataCore. They provided insight into the current trends in hyperconvergence, where VMware VSAN stands and how having fewer resources changes an environment.
    This was George’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Brad Tompkins


    This was Brad’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Jayshree Ullal
    President & CEO, Arista Networks


    Jayshree has stopped by theCUBE before at Node Summit 2012, VMworld 2012, and VMworld 2011.

    Narayan Venkat
    CMO, Tegile


    Narayan stopped by theCUBE at Oracle Open World 2013.

    Ed Walsh
    CEO, Catalogic Software


    Interview Overview
    Ed Walsh and Charles Fan stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Dave Vellante about the keynote addresses, the relationship between cataloging and developing and simplyfying the work flows. They provided insight into the state of automated management, how Catalogic fits into VMware’s storage strategy and the amount of data about data.
    Ed has stopped by theCUBE numerous times, including at IBM Edge 2015, IBM Insight 2014, IBM Edge 2013, and IBM Edge 2012.

    Shaun Walsh
    VP Corporate Marketing and NA America Sales, QLogic


    Shaun has stopped by theCUBE before at IBM Edge 2013.

    Andy Warfield
    CTO & Co-Founder, Coho Data


    Andy stopped by theCUBE last year at VMworld 2014.

    Howie Xu
    EIR / Investor


    Interview Overview
    Howie Xu stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about what’s happening with hybrid cloud, the difference between resilience and agility and the impact of containers to virtualization. He provided insight into DevOps and the potential for vertical integration, why security architecture is the next big thing and the focus on business value.

    vBrownBag Panel Discussion with Alastair Cooke, vBrownBag and Cody Bunch, vBrownBag
    Host: Stu Miniman


    Interview Overview
    Alastair Cooke and Cody Bunch of vBrownBag spoke on a panel hosted by Stu Miniman. They discussed who vBrownBag is, how open source means community generated knowledge, and how the relationship with VMware has changed. They provided insight into popular topics that vBrownBag covers, career development and how all of their content is free to consume.

    VirtSecurity Podcast with Mike Foley, VMware; Hemma Prafullchandra, HyTrust; Simon Crosby, Bromium
    Host: Edward Haletky



    Panel Discussion with Kenny Wilder, Fulton County Schools, Tod Huber, Master Lock Co, and Chris Skaling, FusionStorm
    Host: Stu Miniman



    Containers Panel with Brandon Philips, CTO/Co-Founder, CoreOS; Nick Weaver, Director, Intel SDI Cloud Platforms; Sheng Liang, Co-Founder, RancherLabs
    Host: Brian Gracely



    Hyperconvergence Panel with Chris Miller, Rolta AdvizeX; Gaetan Castelein, Sr Director, Product Management, VMware; Raj Yavatkar, Fellow and Chief Architect, VMware
    Host: Stu Miniman



    Geek Whisperers Podcast: John Troyer, Geek Whisperers; Amy Lewis, Geek Whisperers; Matt Brender, Geek Whisperers
    Hosts: John Troyer, Amy Lewis, Matt Brender



    Cloud Native Apps Panel: Matt Stine, Product Manager, Pivootal; Kevin Fishner, Director of Sales & Marketing, Hashicorp; Radhesh Balakrishnan, GM of OpenStack, Red Hat
    Hosts: Brian Gracely



    CloudOps Panel: Shiv Agarwal, Arkin; Madhura Maskasky, Platform9; and John Blumenthal, CloudPhysics
    Hosts: Brian Gracely



    Manish Apte
    Principal Product Manager, Enterprise Solutions, SanDisk


    This will be Manish’s first time visiting theCUBE.

    Get ready for VMworld 2015 with these theCUBE interviews from VMworld 2014

    VMworld 2014 – theCUBE Event Page
    VMworld 2014 – Wikibon Event Page
    VMworld 2014 – YouTube Archives

    VMworld 2013 – theCUBE Event Page
    VMworld 2013 – Wikibon Event Page
    VMworld 2013 – YouTube Archives

    NetApp MVP Customer Appreciation Event at VMworld 2013 – theCUBE Event Page
    NetApp MVP Customer Appreciation Event at VMworld 2013 – YouTube Archives

    VMworld 2012 – Wikibon Event Page
    VMworld 2012 – YouTube Archives

    VMworld 2011 – Wikibon Event Page
    VMworld 2011 – YouTube Archives

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