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OpenStack Summit 2015 (Vancouver, BC)


OpenStack Summit Vancouver 2015

Must Read – OpenStack Enters its 2nd Epoch: http://premium.wikibon.com/openstack-enters-its-second-epoch/


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theCUBE Hosts: John Furrier & Stu Miniman


  • John’s Linkedin Profile , @furrier
  • Stu Miniman’s LinkedIn Profile, @stu
    Watch, Find and Share Your Favorite Chapter
    OpenStack Summit 2015 Kickoff Day One Archive
    John Furrier and Stu Miniman kicked off day one at the OpenStack Summit 2015 in Vancouver. They discussed the new announcements, companies partnering with OpenStack and who is using the technology.
    OpenStack Summit 2015 Wrap Up Day One
    John Furrier and Stu Miniman wrapped up day one at the OpenStack Summit 2015 in Vancouver. They discussed how Cisco and Red Hat have partnered with OpenStack and who needs to get the messaging out into the industry.
    Watch, Find and Share Your Favorite Chapter
    OpenStack Summit 2015 Kickoff Day Two Archive
    John Furrier and Stu Miniman kicked off day two at the OpenStack Summit 2015 in Vancouver. They offered insight into unpacking the value and reality of OpenStack and how it’s used within businesses.
    OpenStack Summit 2015 Kickoff Day Three
    John Furrier and Stu Miniman kicked off day three at the OpenStack Summit 2015 in Vancouver. They discussed the vibe of the event, the OpenStack naysayers, the line of site to maturity and how customers want simplicity.
    OpenStack Views from the Market and Reactions
    Panel discussion on what’s happening in the market and reactions from various people within the community.
    OpenStack Summit 2015 Wrap Up Day Three
    John Furrier and Stu Miniman wrapped up day three at the OpenStack Summit 2015 in Vancouver. They looked back at the week and how OpenStack has survived through many challenges because of a supportive community.


    Radhesh Balakrishnan
    GM OpenStack, Red Hat


    Interview Overview
    Radhesh Balakrishnan and Mike Cohen stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about the state of OpenStack and how real customers are deploying it. They provided insight into how Cisco and Red Hat are working together to make OpenStack better.

    Randy Bias
    VP of Technology, EMC


    Interview Overview
    Randy Bias stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about how OpenStack isn’t quite a full operating system yet. He provided insight into the results of explosive growth, which creates inoperability.

    Jonathan Bryce
    Executive Director of the OpenStack Foundation


    Interview Overview
    Jonathan Bryce stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about the new announcements of interoperability around OpenStack environments and the latest update around Federated Identity.

    Mike Cohen
    Director of Product, Cisco


    Interview Overview
    Mike Cohen and Radhesh Balakrishnan stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about the state of OpenStack and how real customers are deploying it. They provided insight into how Cisco and Red Hat are working together to make OpenStack better.

    Mark Collier
    COO, OpenStack Foundation


    Interview Overview
    Mark Collier and Lauren Sell stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about what’s maturing with OpenStack, results of a user survey and participation at the event. They provided insight into why they move the summit around the world and how they bring in new people.

    Duane DeCapite
    OpenStack Product Marketing Manager, Cisco


    Interview Overview
    Duane Decapite and Ranga Rangachari stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about the relationship between Red Hat Storage, Cisco and OpenStack. They provided insight into the CRUSH algorithm and what it does to scale out.

    Colin Dixon
    Principal Engineer, Brocade


    Interview Overview
    Colin Dixon and Tom Nadeau stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about getting OpenStack and OpenDaylight working together. They provided insight into the areas Brocade is investing in OpenStack.

    Ryan Floyd
    Founder & Partner, Storm Ventures


    Interview Overview
    Ryan Floyd stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about why he’s interested in OpenStack as a venture investor. He provided insight into his approach as an investor in the technology world.

    Brian Gallagher
    President – Cloud Management Division, EMC


    Interview Overview
    Brian Gallagher stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about what’s driving innovation with OpenStack. He provided insight into what’s different from the previous platforms and how it’s community oriented.

    Nicholas Gerasimatos


    Interview Overview
    Nicholas Gerasimatos stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about how and why they embraced a cloud strategy. He provided insight into why they chose OpenStack and challenges they faced.

    Sam Greenblatt
    Managing Partner, Gnosisphere


    Interview Overview
    Sam Greenblatt stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about how innovation is all about the application. He provided insight into energy charging and smart packaging.

    Brian “Redbeard” Harrington
    Principal Architect, CoreOS


    Interview Overview
    Brian “Redbeard” Harrington stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about how CoreOS strives to be present to users and how they work in an open environment. He provided insight into how they don’t have to do as much marketing since they are a transparent company.

    Mark Interrante
    SVP Engineering, HP Cloud


    Interview Overview
    Mark Interrante stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about the current topics that customers want to talk about. He provided insight into how application developers are looking for a more productive environment.

    Jerome Lecat
    CEO, Scality


    Interview Overview
    Jerome Lecat stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about his vision for OpenStack and how developers and users can meet and discuss. He provided insight into how to balance cost versus availability.

    Madhu Kashyap
    Cloud Networking Executive, Brocade


    Interview Overview
    Madhu Kashyap stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about what Brocade is doing with OpenStack. He provides insight into what’s meant by an on-demand data center.

    Mark McLoughlin
    OpenStack Technical Director, Red Hat


    Interview Overview
    Lew Tucker and Mark McLoughlin stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about how many companies new to open source are rushing to catch up with other players in the industry. They provided insight into the benefits of OpenStack and how the open source community has embraced it.

    David Meyer
    CTO & Chief Scientist, Brocade


    Interview Overview
    David Meyer and Tom Nadeau stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about the state of networking within OpenStack and the relationship with Neutron.

    Tom Nadeau
    Distinguished Engineer, Brocade


    Interview Overview: Tom and David
    Tom Nadeau and David Meyer stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about the state of networking within OpenStack and the relationship with Neutron.
    Interview Overview: Tom and Colin
    Tom Nadeau and Colin Dixon stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about getting OpenStack and OpenDaylight working together. They provided insight into the areas Brocade is investing in OpenStack.

    Dorian Naveh
    Senior Director, Alliances and Business Development, EMC


    Interview Overview
    Dorian Naveh and Adam Waters stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about how EMC has supported OpenStack for a while and the phases it has gone through to reach the tipping point. They provided insight into how EMC stays committed to the open source community.

    Awais Nemat
    CEO, PLUMgrid


    Interview Overview
    Awais Nemat stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about overlay networking constructs on OpenStack to make it enterprise ready. He provided insight into how PLUMgrid fits into OpenStack.

    Jeff Olsen
    Director of OpenStack Services Portfolio, EMC


    Interview Overview
    Jeff Olsen and Raghavan “Rags” Srinivas stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about the evolution to the open source community and how EMC is creating service offerings around OpenStack.

    Bobby Patrick
    CMO, HP


    Interview Overview
    Bobby Patrick stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Dave Vellante about the investment that HP has made in OpenStack. He provided insight into how people are realizing the value in using a private cloud.

    Jesse Proudman
    Founder & CTO, BlueBox


    Interview Overview
    Jesse Proudman stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about being theCUBE Madness Champion and what the process was like. He provided insight into what BlueBox is currently working on.

    Sam Ramji
    CEO, Cloud Foundry Foundation


    Interview Overview
    Sam Ramji stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about the adoption of the Cloud Foundry Foundation. He provided insight into two things that businesses need to care about – multi vendor and multi cloud.

    Ranga Rangachari
    VP & GM, Red Hat Storage


    Interview Overview
    Ranga Rangachari and Duane Decapite stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about the relationship between Red Hat Storage, Cisco and OpenStack. They provided insight into the CRUSH algorithm and what it does to scale out.

    Patrick Reilly
    CEO, Kismetric


    Interview Overview
    Patrick Reilly stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about how Kubernetes and Mesosphere fit into the container discussion. He provided insight into why Kubernetes is relevant.

    Ken Ross
    Director of Product Management, Brocade


    Interview Overview
    Ken Ross stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about the initiatives in Brocade and where they contribute to OpenStack. He provided insight into how they are broadening out across product lines.

    Lauren Sell
    Vice President, OpenStack Foundation


    Interview Overview
    Lauren Sell and Mark Collier stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about what’s maturing with OpenStack, results of a user survey and participation at the event. They provided insight into why they move the summit around the world and how they bring in new people.

    Faiyaz Shahpurwala
    SVP, Cisco


    Interview Overview
    Faiyaz Shahpurwala stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about why Cisco is betting on OpenStack. He provided insight into how customers navigate through the world of many cloud options.

    Raghavan “Rags” Srinivas
    Architect & Evangelist, EMC


    Interview Overview
    Raghavan “Rags” Srinivas and Jeff Olsen stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about the evolution to the open source community and how EMC is creating service offerings around OpenStack.

    Monty Taylor
    Distinguished Technologist, HP


    Interview Overview
    Monty Taylor stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier about how OpenStack is maturing and how it’s in full build-out mode. He provided insight into the variety of people interested in OpenStack and the dynamic within the community.

    Lew Tucker
    VP & CTO, Cisco


    Interview Overview
    Lew Tucker and Mark McLoughlin stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about how many companies new to open source are rushing to catch up with other players in the industry. They provided insight into the benefits of OpenStack and how the open source community has embraced it.

    Dave Ward
    CTO of Engineering & Chief Architect, Cisco Systems


    Interview Overview
    Dave Ward and Chris Wright stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about what they are doing to bring OpenStack to the next level, including bringing it to the service provider. They provided insight into how you have to look at the whole stack.

    Adam Waters
    Senior Director of Private Cloud, EMC


    Interview Overview
    Adam Waters and Dorian Naveh stopped by theCUBE and chatted with Stu Miniman about how EMC has supported OpenStack for a while and the phases it has gone through to reach the tipping point. They provided insight into how EMC stays committed to the open source community.

    Chris Wright
    Chief Technologist, Office of Technology, Red Hat


    Interview Overview
    Chris Wright and Dave Ward stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about what they are doing to bring OpenStack to the next level, including bringing it to the service provider. They provided insight into how you have to look at the whole stack.

    Tim Yeaton
    SVP Infrastructure Business Group, Red Hat


    Interview Overview
    Tim Yeaton stopped by theCUBE and chatted with John Furrier and Stu Miniman about how the core of OpenStack is becoming more stable. He provided insight into the various types of sessions offered, which indicate more developers coming on board with OpenStack.

    OpenStack Summit 2015 Vancouver – SiliconANGLE Event Page
    OpenStack Summit 2015 Vancouver – YouTube Archives
    OpenStack Summit 2015 Vancouver – CrowdChat

    OpenStack Summit 2014 Atlanta – SiliconANGLE Event Page
    OpenStack Summit 2014 Atlanta – YouTube Archives
    OpenStack Summit 2014 Atlanta – Wikibon Event Page
    OpenStack Summit 2014 Atlanta – CrowdChat

    OpenStack Summit 2013 Portland – Wikibon Event Page
    OpenStack Summit 2013 Portland – YouTube Playlist

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