#theCUBETop10: Analyst Interviews
The purpose of theCUBE is to extract the signal from the noise. We bring our show to tech events and invite thought leaders into theCUBE to unpack the latest in the world of technology. Since we first broadcast back in 2009 we have invited Analysts to join our show insothat we may provide our viewers insight into product trends and macro-trends inside the enterprise.
Click on the guest, go to the interview
Merv Adrian, VP, Gartner
![adrian quote]()
Dave Bartoletti, Analyst, Forrester
John Rymer, Analyst, Forrester
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Ray Wang, Principal Analyst, Founder & Chairman, Constellation Research, Inc.
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Gary Chen, Research Manager, Cloud & Virtualization System Software, IDC
![chen quote]()
Tim Crawford, CIO Strategic Advisior, AVOA
![crawford quote]()
Carla Gentry, Data Scientist, Analytical Solution
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Elizabeth Hedstrom Henlin, Sr. Director, Competitive & Market Intelligence, SAP
Stuart Williams, VP of Research, Technology Business Research
![henlun and williams quote]()
Judith Hurwitz, President & CEO, Hurwitz & Associates
![Hurwitz quote]()
Maribel Lopez, Founder, Lopez Research LLC
Scott Raynovich, President, Rayno Media Inc.
![Raynovich quote]()